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Questions and answers with coach Karen Maier for MIndset Mojo Coaching

Got Questions?

See below for answers to some of the most common questions about Karen and how to get started.

  • Great, did you know that one of the most prominent characteristics of successful people is that they take action? They take educated risks, are decisive, take action, and they move towards success faster as a direct result of this. It’s a well-known fact these people make decisions based on their gut instinct. That being said, and since this feels right for you, go for it! CLICK HERE to contact me directly.

  • My coaching expertise grew from 25+ years of experience as an Executive Leader and HR Business Partner coaching and guiding leaders and teams on people strategy across diverse industries.

    I am a Certified Professional Coach (CPC) and a Master Practitioner in Energy Leadership Index (CP-ELI), with degrees and certifications in Psychology, Strategic Executive HR, Project Management, MBTI, and EQ-I 2.0. I studied Organizational Behavior and Leadership and I have designed, led, and attended a multitude of leadership learning and development courses throughout my career.

    I have the professional experience, education, and training to meet you where you are and get you where you want to go.

  • Coaching is a way to get the mindset, insights, and tools necessary to create an inspirational life or career that matches your personal vision.

    Coaching begins with the client wanting to discover, develop, strategize, lead through and thrive in the face of change. Goal to achieve their personal best!

    • Is an investment in, with an expected return on, one’s life.

    • Is a thought-provoking and creative process that inspires individuals to maximize their personal and professional potential.

    • Is a journey that is supportive at every level in helping the client become who they want to be.

    • Is a two-way creation and partnership.

    • Creates self-awareness and empowers choice.

    • Focuses on the present.

    • Identifies where the client is, where they want to be, and what stands in the way.

    • Helps you get to where you want to go faster.

    • Moves you from uncertainty to decisiveness.

    • Utilizes evidence-based tools and processes.

    Here’s how the ICF defines coaching:

    Coaching is partnering with clients in a thought-provoking and creative process that inspires them to maximize their personal and professional potential, which is particularly important in today’s uncertain and complex environment. Coaches honor the client as the expert in his or her life and work and believe every client is creative, resourceful, and whole. Standing on this foundation, the coach’s responsibility is to:

    • Discover, clarify, and align with what the client wants to achieve.

    • Encourage client self-discovery.

    • Elicit client-generated solutions and strategies.

    • Hold the client responsible and accountable.

    This process helps clients dramatically improve their outlook on work and life, while improving their leadership skills and unlocking their potential.
    Source: International Coaching Federation

  • Coaches help individuals reach their deepest goals and dreams through a highly customized experience. If you’re at point A and your deepest desire is to reach point B, an excellent coach helps you access uncharted territory, move mountains, travel the distance to get to point B.

    In the process, personal transformation occurs...

  • During a session, coaches spend their time:

    Asking questions: Coaches are endlessly curious. They’re experts at asking open-ended, empowering questions designed to elicit deep thought and self-discovery.

    Listening: Coaches listen deeply and carefully while their clients do most of the talking. They synthesize information. They detect gems of wisdom between their clients’ words, inside moments of silence, and within subtle shifts in tone and body language.

    Holding the goal: A coach’s job is to hold on to the client’s stated goal. To keep sessions on task and to hold the client accountable, a coach must periodically ask, “How does this topic, idea, possibility, or plan serve our agreed-upon goal? If it doesn’t, how will we get back on track—or should we revisit the goal?”

    Challenging ideas: Good coaches challenge the status quo. They unearth and question their clients’ assumptions, interpretations, beliefs, and long-told narratives.

    Helping clients create a vision: Through questioning and exercises, coaches help their clients build a vision so compelling that it begs to be realized. Along the way to realizing this vision, coaches keep clients grounded in their strengths and focused on what they already bring to the table. Coaches do not ignore weaknesses; they view weaknesses as opportunities for growth.

    Creating a safe space: A safe, nonjudgmental atmosphere is the foundation of a successful coach-client relationship. An effective coach is trustworthy, compassionate, tolerant, transparent, and professional. She preserves confidentiality according to the same regulations as a therapist.

  • Coaching involves processes and skills that are similar to those of other service professions. The information below helps provide high level context on the differences and what makes coaching unique Service professionals may combine techniques from multiple “helping” modalities when working with their clients. For example, a consultant might engage in one-on-one coaching with key organizational leaders during the course of a strategic project.

    THERAPY: Therapists help their clients heal from past emotional wounds, manage mental health while identifying patterns that compromise day-to-day functioning. A therapist attempts to discover the origins, the whys, of clients’ thoughts, feelings, and behavior. While therapists focus on moving clients from past to present (or dysfunction to function), coaches focus on moving clients from a functional present to an optimal future. Therapists’ clients look to them as authorities—as experts on mental and emotional health. Coaches, on the other hand, are not experts who provide diagnoses, recommendations, and treatment plans. Coaches are partners whose expertise lies in implementing the process of professional coaching.

    MENTORING: Mentors show less experienced people the ropes in a particular field or pursuit. They usually share personal wisdom, knowledge, opinions, and paths to success. A coach does not need to have walked in his or her client’s shoes; she does not show clients the way, or even one way, by sharing personal experience. A coach guides clients to find their own way.

    CONSULTING: Consultants are content experts who are hired to provide clients with solutions, recommendations, and plans. Coaches, on the other hand, view the client as the expert and thus work to elicit the client’s answers and plans. While consultants often end a client engagement after delivering a proposed solution, coaches generally meet with their clients for the duration of the goal-reaching process.

    ATHLETIC COACHING: Professional coaching is not based on competition. Coaches favor win-win situations; either everyone wins, or no one wins. In athletic coaching and training, clients seek to gain a competitive edge. Additionally, athletic coaches are positioned as experts and authorities. Unlike professional coaches, they prescribe plans and create training programs based on superior experience and knowledge.

    TRAINING: A trainer is an expert, passing knowledge from teacher to student. Again, Coaches view the client as the expert and elicit the client's answers and plans.

    Sources: International Coaching Federation,
    Schneider, Bruce D., “
    How Coaching Differs,” teleclass, © 2016 Institute for Professional Excellence in Coaching.

  • I work with success-driven business leaders, teams, and organizations – working for themselves or leading companies and organizations - wanting to learn how to maximize their professional and personal potential.

    I also work with success-driven individuals just like you, men and women across all backgrounds and stages, that are wanting to level up in life or lead through and thrive in the face of change.

    • Women

    • Men

    • Corporate Executives/Leaders

    • Professionals

    • Entrepreneurs

    • Business Owners

  • I have worked with clients across a wide scope of backgrounds and desired goals. Current and former clients have found it exceedingly helpful that I bring an extremely fresh perspective to their life and business and provide approaches they’d not experienced before. Because of this, they make great strides in their personal and professional development.

  • What differentiates my services from other Executive Advisors and Coaches is my ongoing balancing act to help others step into their powerful new story and crush their goals! With my ongoing balancing act to self and family, 25+ years as a business leader facing fast pace and high stakes, and demanding life experiences, I have been an active participant in this thing called life. Because of this, my clients receive a whole lot of compassion, inspiration, championship, and courage.

  • Coaching is for leaders, teams, organizations, and individuals that are absolutely excited and serious about digging deep, laser focusing, playing big and winning!

    Being a high achieving go-getter myself, I’m known to work best with other high achieving go-getters who are ready to move forward and just want to know exactly what steps to take to do just that!

    Consider what you’ll do with me to be an action and results-oriented experience. You will be expected to take serious and consistent action. No excuses anymore, just a very different way of thinking with full support while you achieve incredibly exciting results!

  • The benefits of life coaching are astonishing. People who work with a life coach report increases in the following:

    • positive energy

    • self awareness/emotional awareness

    • confidence/self-esteem

    • feelings of freedom

    • feelings of inner power and agency

    • commitment to deeply held values

    • engagement in tasks and projects

    • feelings of being supported

    • fulfilling relationships (social, intimate, family, professional)

    • leadership skills

    • financial success (promotion, new job, new business, improved job performance, etc.)

    • sense of purpose and clarity/perspective on life

    • open-mindedness and tolerance

    • joy/fulfillment/satisfaction

    • feelings of calm/peace

    • spiritual connection

    • concentration

    • creativity/innovation

    • discipline/motivation

    • balance

  • Please know I’m very selective in who I work with and I pick my clients, choosing to gently turn away people who aren’t suited for action and won’t get the results for which they would have signed up for.

    Therefore, it will not be mutually beneficial to work with an individual who is skeptical and uncommitted to the work ahead. This will not be a match and I would not want to waste your time or money.

  • The result of our work is an inspirational approach to your leadership and your life that, with your commitment and dedication, will create lasting change!

  • Together, we’ll get you from a place of uncertainty and indecision to a place where you feel confident in what you want, what you will achieve, and exactly how you will make it happen.

    We start out by getting the foundation through a variety of evidence-based tools and processes, then together, we create a plan to move forward and work through that plan in a progression of client directed sessions. By the time our sessions conclude, you will be confident that you can achieve anything you are committed to.

  • Go to the “Client Results” page (click here) and read through my client testimonials. See which ones you feel drawn to, either because the person has gotten the results you want to get to, or perhaps because that person is in a similar profession. My clients have agreed to talk with prospective clients about their experience and what results they received from working with me. Let me know if you are interested. Also, you can schedule a complimentary breakthrough session with me by clicking here.

  • Obviously, this depends on how much you put into the assignments and apply the learning. That said, virtually all clients see results within the first couple of months in the form of mindset and behavioral shifts.

  • Do all of your assignments and apply the learning daily. Be totally focused on personal and professional development. Understand that it is not a “quick fix,” it’s not magic and it takes time to plant all the seeds and for those seeds to grow into the fruit that you can enjoy. All of my clients who have diligently applied every step of personal development have successfully achieved their goal, in much less time than they would have on their own.

  • Many clients are excited to report that their investment in coaching enabled them to exceed their goals. I want you to stop reading for just one moment to ask yourself, “What is a new SELF worth to me and what is the average cost to achieving my goal” Chances are, that amount will more than cover your coaching investment. The individual skills you learn with coaching will lead you to a life of increased satisfaction.

    What you are regularly getting with a coaching engagement is a series of PINGS or AHAs that will move your life forward faster than you would on your own. Expect to get a lot of these as well as the resources you’ve been looking for and haven’t found until now. That’s what you’re investing in, results, not just more “information”.

  • A way to learn more about coaching is to read this enlightening article by clicking here.

  • Fantastic, sounds like you’re ready to move into your future! If you have questions, email me at or call me at Call (908) 285-8874 and I’ll be happy to walk you through the different options to see which one will be the very best for you.

    I can’t wait to see you succeed and I am honored to be the one to help you. Let’s get going!

  • Congratulations on making a decision for success! I’m happy to work with you to achieve your professional and personal goals.

    Go to the “Work With” section in the top navigation and select Organizational Consulting, Leadership Development & Coaching, or Team Development & Coaching.

    If you’d like to speak with me directly, click here.