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Sound familiar?


Scenario 1:

You call a meeting to get the real update on the strategic project when your team launches into all kinds of resistance:  

  • We’ve been successful so why change? 

  • What’s the hidden agenda here? Another restructuring?

  • This is a departure from our core values and culture and the way we have always done it

  • We tried it before and it didn’t work; we are different

  • With so many questions or concerns, the plan must be flawed!

If you had a dime for every time you experienced resistance, you would have been in early retirement years ago. Now what?

Scenario 2: 

The employee survey results are in and surprise, surprise, it’s more of the same.  

  • I am great, my team is great, and everyone else is the issue..  

  • Not enough communication, 

  • Low trust in senior leadership, 

  • Cross-functional teams don’t play nice in the sandbox, 

  • Too much change, 

  • Want more career advancement and money.

Employees want to be involved in decisions that impact them. They want to be part of a create & collaborate culture instead of command & control.

Scenario 3: 

Do High Performance Teams really exist? Trust, conflict, commitment, accountability, and resultS - blah blah blah.  You exhale and PLAN TO get to this “behavior” stufF:

  • After the board meeting, 

  • When the new performance management framework is finalized 

  • When the project wraps up, 

  • When you let go of the team troublemaker,

  • After the holiday.

But the right time never happens.  Instead, the damage keeps mounting. When will you draw the line in the sand?


You wonder what would happen if leadership placed as much or more weight on behaviors as they do on business objectives.  Why is this even up for debate?


Enough is enough.  You call an ad-hoc meeting and acknowledge your team has been through lots of change and it makes sense they are frustrated. The buck stops HERE.  NOW is all there ever is.


 Imagine thriving every day
as a High-Performing Team…

  • All team members admit their weaknesses, capitalize on mistakes, and celebrate team successes.

  • The team engages in a lively and exciting debate and they’re having a productive discussion around big ideas. They’re completely open and direct. 

  • Individuals put aside their own goals and interests for the good of the team.

  • Teammates apologize to each other. All is forgiven and they are on to the next subject. 

  • Critical topics are handled as a top priority and the team moves forward united with decisive and imperfect action.  

  • When in the best interest of the business, the team changes direction swiftly and effectively.

  • The team appreciates being held to the same high standards and embraces the need to raise the bar.

  • You’re excited because the team is aligned around common goals and believe achievement-oriented people succeed here. 


You feel accomplished because you’ve built a team on trust, healthy debate, commitment, accountability, and powerful results. 

Finally, the ship feels right-sized and all team members are rowing in
the same direction.

Karen Maier, an organizational coach and leadership coach based in New Jersey

My name is Karen Maier and I’m an Organizational & Leadership Executive Advisor and Coach who works with ambitious people and teams who want to create a BIG impact

They’re tired of going through the motions and know something needs to change.  As their partner, we use reality testing, radical accountability, and powerful action to transform themselves, their team, or their culture so they can play big, love life, and leave a legacy.

Reality testing + Radical accountability + Powerful action = Leadership Disrupted 

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After working together, you and your team will:

  • Take radical accountability

  • Start with YES, AND…

  • Say we can, we will, we do, and we get to!

  • Take deliberate action — over and over again

  • Get results, keep achieving more and more success

  • And truly become a high-performance team!

Team development and coaching is for you if: 

  • You know deep down that your team has untapped potential and you’re ready to access it and transform your team and your results.

  • The Team is meant for something greater and coaching will help you all get there. 


The team spirit is still there, it just needs some inspiration (or a serious wake-up call).


The Disruption Incubator 

  • Customized team sessions with a building block approach.

  • In your team development and coaching sessions, we’ll discuss where you are, where you want to be, and what stands in the way.  

  • We’ll wrap each session with a team plan for powerful action.  

  • Customized tools and resources:  Based on the team’s unique needs, you’ll get tools and resources helping the team reach the next level performance.

  • Leadership and Team Assessments:  We will uncover the teams’ current leadership capability, self-awareness, and engagement levels. We may use EQ-i 2.0, Energy Leadership, MBTI, and more. We’ll tailor your assessments based on your team goals.

  • Unlimited out-of-session emails or texts: Direct access to me anytime the team is stuck to always keep moving forward.


Team Development & Coaching:  The Disruption Incubator

Investment: Customized based on team objectives




Click here to schedule a 30-minute discovery call where we’ll talk about your team goals.


When we decide we’re a perfect fit together, we’ll get the paperwork in order, and schedule our kickoff call. 


We will co-create and schedule the team session.

Have questions, email me at or text me at (908) 505-2228



I love my clients and they have some great things to say about how they’ve benefited from our work together - read them here.